CQ.com - Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal 2015: Where the Money Goes

Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal 2015: Where the Money Goes

More appropriations tables: Agriculture | Commerce-Justice-Science | Defense | Energy-Water | Financial Services | Interior-Environment | Labor-HHS-Education | Legislative Branch | Military Construction | State-Foreign Operations | Transportation-HUD

Figures are in thousands of dollars of new budget authority and include mandatory programs.

Fiscal 2014 Omnibus Fiscal 2015 president's request Fiscal 2015 Appropriations
House of Representatives $1,180,908 $1,200,509 $1,180,735
Senate 859,293 907,271 864,286
Library of Congress 578,982 593,066 590,921
Architect of the Capitol 602,030 676,631 600,261
Government Accountability Office 505,383 525,116 522,000
Capitol Police 338,459 355,663 347,959
Government Printing Office 119,300 128,919 119,993
Congressional Budget Office 45,700 46,078 45,700
Joint Committee on Taxation 10,004 10,149 10,095
Open World Leadership Center 6,000 8,000 5,700
Office of the Attending Physician 4,787 4,776 4,758
Medical supplies, etc. 3,400 3,371 3,371
Accessibility services 1,387 1,405 1,387
Joint Economic Committee 4,203 4,270 4,203
Office of Compliance 3,868 4,020 3,959
Stennis Center for Public Service 430 430 430

House, Senate Appropriations Committees