CQ.com - Agriculture Appropriations, Fiscal 2016: Where the Money Goes

Agriculture Appropriations, Fiscal 2016: Where the Money Goes

More appropriations tables: Agriculture | Commerce-Justice-Science | Defense | Energy-Water | Financial Services | Homeland Security| Interior-Environment | Labor-HHS-Education | Legislative Branch | Military Construction-VA | State-Foreign Operations | Transportation-HUD

Figures are in thousands of dollars of new budget authority and include mandatory programs. Discretionary totals includes emergency and disaster relief spending that does not count toward the limits set by the October budget deal.

Fiscal 2015 Enacted Fiscal 2016
President's Request
Fiscal 2016
Total direct appropriations $148,095,470 $168,288,280 $141,324,731
   Discretionary 21,314,000 22,115,177 22,212,000
   Mandatory 126,755,470 146,173,103 119,112,731
Total including FDA user fees $149,483,314 $170,238,965 $143,285,315
Agricultural programs $30,446,595 $27,401,704 $23,174,859
   Commodity Credit Corporation Fund 13,444,728 10,519,933 6,871,132
   Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund 8,930,502 8,175,224 7,857,970
   Farm Service Agency 1,603,255 1,579,141 1,595,077
   Agricultural Marketing Service 1,427,136 1,570,338 1,568,440
   National Institute of Food and Agriculture 1,289,465 1,503,058 1,326,476
   Agricultural Research Service 1,177,625 1,397,441 1,355,926
   Food and Safety Inspection Service 1,016,474 1,011,557 1,014,871
   Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service 874,490 858,978 897,590
   Under secretary offices; departmental administration 364,461 456,055 373,157
Conservation programs $859,326 $1,032,138 $863,754
Rural development $2,403,423 $2,604,351 $2,770,977
   Rural Housing Service 1,713,460 1,814,254 2,034,279
   Rural Utilities Service 536,207 573,285 594,048
   Rural Business Cooperative Service -71,343 -10,812 -84,078
      Appropriations 107,657 143,188 94,922
      Rescissions -179,000 -154,000 -179,000
   Salaries and expenses 224,201 226,717 225,835
Domestic nutrition programs $110,190,881 $133,254,051 $109,796,981
   Food stamps 81,837,570 104,599,069 80,849,383
   Child nutrition programs 21,300,170 21,587,277 22,149,746
   Women, Infants and Children 6,623,000 6,623,000 6,350,000
   Commodity assistance program 278,501 288,317 296,217
   Program administration; office of the under secretary 151,640 156,388 151,635
International food aid $1,835,325 $1,812,533 $1,868,468
   Food for Peace Title I credit and Food for Progress 2,528 2,528 2,528
   Food for Peace Title II grants 1,466,000 1,400,000 1,466,000
   McGovern-Dole grants 191,626 191,626 201,626
   Commodity Credit Corporation export loans 6,748 6,748 6,748
   Salaries and expenses 187,817 198,025 197,960
Food and Drug Administration $2,588,538 $2,734,715 $2,720,808
   Including user fees 4,443,356 4,685,400 4,681,392
Commodity Futures Trading Commission* $250,000 $322,000 $250,000
Disaster relief $91,000 $0 $130,000
Other programs, including rescissions -$512,404 -$882,000 -$129,904
Loan authorizations (not included in any totals) $42,272,183 $42,737,362 $43,088,833
   Rural Housing Service 27,421,501 27,407,404 27,496,836
   Rural Utilities Service 7,464,077 7,934,239 8,210,576
   Farm Service Agency 6,402,114 6,402,114 6,402,114
   Rural Business Cooperative Service 984,491 993,605 979,307

*The CFTC is covered by the Agriculture appropriations bill in the House and the Financial Services bill in the Senate.
SOURCE: House and Senate Appropriations Committees