CQ.com - Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal 2014: Where the Money Goes

Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal 2014: Where the Money Goes

HR 2792 (H Rept 113-173); S 1283 (S Rept 113-70)
More appropriations tables: Agriculture | Commerce-Justice-Science | Defense | Energy-Water | Financial Services | Homeland Security | Interior-Environment | Labor-HHS-Education | Military Construction | State-Foreign Operations | Transportation-HUD

Figures are in thousands of dollars of new budget authority.

Fiscal 2013
enacted appropriations
Fiscal 2014
committee report
committee report
Fiscal 2014
House of Representatives $1,225,680 $1,233,181 $1,171,569 $1,180,908
Senate 867,048 892,115 871,997 859,293
Library of Congress 588,607 608,719 557,869 600,900 578,982
Architect of the Capitol 492,381 605,263 507,994 468,863 602,030
Government Accountability Office 506,282 524,339 486,226 505,383 505,383
Capitol Police 339,137 363,296 329,701 338,459 338,459
Government Printing Office 119,132 128,478 115,140 119,300 119,300
Congressional Budget Office 43,787 45,700 41,497 45,700 45,700
Joint Committee on Taxation 10,004 10,065 9,481 10,004 10,004
Open World Leadership Center 8,000 10,061 1,000 4,000 6,000
Office of the Attending Physician 4,763 4,808 4,514 4,763 4,787
Medical supplies, etc. 3,400 3,421 3,222 3,400 3,400
Accessibility services 1,363 1,387 1,292 1,363 1,387
Joint Economic Committee 4,203 4,279 3,983 4,203 4,203
Office of Compliance 3,817 4,482 3,617 3,868 3,868
Stennis Center for Public Service 430 430 408 430 430

NOTES: Figures for fiscal 2013 enacted appropriations, the president's fiscal 2014 request and the fiscal 2014 Senate bill do not include the effects of the sequester. By tradition, the House and Senate each approve their own funding; a grand total will be added when the bills are reconciled.

SOURCE: House and Senate Appropriations Committee