CQ.com - Where the Money Would Go, Fiscal 2016: Discretionary Budget Authority

Where the Money Would Go, Fiscal 2016: Discretionary Budget Authority

Federal spending has been held relatively steady for the past few years by stringent budget caps set by the 2011 Budget Control Act (PL 112-25). The December 2013 budget agreement known as Ryan-Murray (PL 113-67) eased those caps for two years (fiscal 2014 and 2015). Here's where the House, Senate and president prefer the money goes for the coming fiscal year.

A printable version of this chart is also available.

(In billions of dollars) Fiscal 2014
Fiscal 2015
Obama Request
Fiscal 2016
Fiscal 2016
Senate Fiscal
Agriculture 20.88 20.58 21.47 20.65 20.51
Commerce-Justice-Science 51.60 50.10 52.05 51.37 51.07
Defense 486.85 490.19 526.93 490.24 489.13
    DoD Overseas Contingency Operations 85.19 64 50.9 88.42 86.87
Energy-Water 34.06 34.20 36.04 35.40 35.37
Financial Services 21.85*** 21.82 24.55 20.25*** 20.56
Homeland Security 39.27 39.67 41.43 39.33 40.21
    DHS Overseas Contingency Operations 0.23 0.21 -- ** -- 0.16
Interior-Environment 30.06 30.42 32.21 30.17 30.01
Labor-HHS-Education 156.77 156.76 167.67 154.54 153.19
Legislative Branch 4.26 4.30 4.53 4.30 4.31
Military Construction-VA 73.30 71.81 78.79 76.06 77.57
    MilCon Overseas Contingency Operations -- 0.22 -- 0.532 --
State-Foreign Operations 42.48 40.01 46.90 40.50 39.01
    State-ForOps Overseas Contingency Operations 6.52 9.26 7.05 7.33 9.26
Transportation-HUD 50.86 53.77 55.35* 55.27 55.64
TOTAL (not including OCO) 1,012.24 1,013.63 1,087.90 1,016.58 1,016.58

Notes: Columns above may not add up due to rounding.

The House Appropriations Committee approved allocations on April 22 and made revisions May 13. Senate Appropriations approved its allocations on May 21.

Enacted spending measures cited above are:

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (PL 113-76)

Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (PL 113‐235)

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015 (PL 114‐4)

* President's request included more than $7 billion in typically discretionary transportation-related funding that the president shifted to the mandatory side. That funding is not reflected in this figure.

** This request was shifted to the Defense OCO account, though $160 million of it would eventually be shifted to the Coast Guard, which falls under DHS.

*** Proposed or enacted appropriations for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission were included in the Agriculture titles in these instances.

Updated May 22, 2015