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Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal 2018: Where the Money Goes

All 2018 appropriations tables: Agriculture | Commerce-Justice-Science | Defense | Energy-Water | Financial Services | Homeland Security | Interior-Environment | Labor-HHS-Education | Legislative Branch | Military Construction-VA | State-Foreign Operations | Transportation-HUD

Figures are in thousands of dollars of new budget authority and include mandatory programs.

Fiscal 2017 Enacted Fiscal 2018 President's request Fiscal 2018 Appropriations
Grand Total $4,440,173 $4,864,759 $4,700,173
Discretionary 4,439,999 4,864,759 4,699,999
Mandatory (Payment to Widows and Heirs of Deceased Members of Congress) 174 -- 174
House of Representatives $1,189,049 $1,223,187 $1,199,999
Senate $871,177 $948,258 $919,932
Government Accountability Office $544,506 $590,678 $578,917
Capitol Police $393,300 $422,307 $426,500
Government Publishing Office $117,068 $117,068 $117,068
Congressional Budget Office $46,500 $49,945 $49,945
Open World Leadership Center Trust Fund $5,600 $5,800 $5,600
Office of Compliance $3,959 $4,056 $4,959
Stennis Center for Public Service $430 $430 $430
Joint Items $19,565 $20,654 $20,654
   Joint Committee on Taxation 10,095 11,169 11,169
   Joint Economic Committee 4,203 4,203 4,203
   Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies -- -- --
   Office of the Attending Physician 3,838 3,838 3,838
   Office of Congressional Accessibility Services 1,429 1,444 1,444
Architect of the Capitol $617,887 $782,956 $712,105
   House of Representatives Office Buildings 202,731 186,948 207,294
   Capital Construction and Operations 92,957 98,360 93,478
   Senate Office Buildings 88,406 110,037 101,614
   Capitol Power Plant 86,646 108,205 106,694
   Library Buildings and Grounds 47,080 121,182 74,873
   Capitol Building 32,584 54,898 45,300
   Capitol Visitor Center 20,557 21,470 21,470
   Capitol Police Buildings, Grounds and Security 20,033 54,177 34,249
   Botanic Garden 14,067 13,400 13,800
   Capitol Grounds 12,826 14,279 13,333
Library of Congress $631,958 $703,420 $669,890
   Salaries and Expenses 450,667 497,910 470,667
   Congressional Research Service 107,945 119,279 119,279
   Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Salaries and Expense 50,248 52,815 51,498
   Copyright Office 23,098 31,416 28,446
   Copyright Office funding flexibility information technology (Sec.1103(b)) (CBO estimate) -- 2,000 --

Source: House and Senate Appropriations committees